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FOOD FUNdamentals 1 & 2
FOOD FUNdamentals 1 & 2

Facilitated by a Registered Dietitian, the sessions are designed to provide up-to-date information on key nutrition topics for caregivers of infants (4-12 months) and toddlers (1-3 years) including tips for preventing and managing picky eating. The program is comprised of two stand-alone 1-hour information sessions.

Food FUNdamentals: Infant Feeding is directed at caregivers of infants aged 4 – 12 months. This educational session addresses signs of readiness and introducing solids, awareness of allergenic foods, the mealtime experience and division of responsibility, progression of textures and finger foods, and differences between baby-led weaning and traditional spoon-feeding.

Food FUNdamentals: Toddler Feeding is meant for caregivers of toddlers aged 1 to 3 years. This educational session covers important nutrients for optimal growth and development, food literacy, division of responsibility, convenience foods and a number of common situations caregivers of young children may face.

Open to all - you don’t have to be a Summerville Family Health Team patient to attend.

If you run into difficulty with registration, please let us know at programs@summervillefht.com

Registration links and educational resources for review prior to the sessions are available below.

Virtual Session
Online registration - sorry, nothing available at this time